"The CC" is "The Creative Collective" / “FLAT” is the event's name
-animation FLAT: vj production andrew
[ PACK ]
cover: information event: name, date, location, main activities... [mike]
backcover: details, main instructions [mike]
pockets: (3 corporative designs: The CC -typewritting, the HIVE -existing, FLAT event -mike's)
1st: manifesto + CC Identity Card [sophie]
2nd: promo hive calendar, [????]
cd: 1/2 demo cd+ 1/2 empty (hive+ada=the cc) [????]
instrument [mike]
3rd: unfoldable plan of the event room [????]
-letters: words with sound-meaning [lucía] + (recording sounds, making samples for the dj?)
experience book → notebook/exercise book [sophie]
web:music creation + instructions in the folder [ andrew]
wall: sound translated to images+ invitation in folder [lucía]
ear plugs:vibrations → packaging [lucía]
images of mouths making sounds: translation images to sounds [lucía]
yesterday, chris said, and I think he's right, that the main problem we've got is that this, if it'd be real, it'd be very expensive to produce. he said that now its not very important because it's a university project but that is something we should think about.
I thought that maybe, a middle solution would be to use just one ink, maybe just black, and cheap papers (not glossy, manila...), "exploration atmosphere". And at the same time, it would make all more homogenic -something that worries everyone of us!
great things can be done with one or two inks. see my post about badformat!
i agree and like how this has become a consideration, this would also produce a solution to the reasons why we will chosen certain papers and qualities.
It is within keeping of many of the things we have already done and looked at too ( typewriter ink, envelopes and packaging....)
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